AHF Business Partner Directory

CFS Brands
Refrigeration, Prep-Table Scales/Weighing Equipment Base Heater, Induction Cooking Equipment, Induction Base Heater, Non-Induction Cabinets, Food Warming Carts, Patient Tray Delivery Carts, Transport/Utility Conveyors Dispensers, Dishes/Trays Equipment, Cook-Chill/Advance Prep Hot Well/Cold Well/Bain Marie/Soup Warmers, Food (see Cabinets) Warmers, Dish or Plate Cleaning Equipment (Non-Warewash) Food Delivery Catering Equipment Sneeze Guards/Protector Shelf Meal Delivery Systems, Retherm Racks, Utility Refrigeration, Reach-In Steam Tables/Salad Bars Tables, Work/Prep Blast Chillers Ovens, Cook & Hold Heat Lamps Bakery Equipment (Specialty, Non-Oven) Cabinets, Cook & Hold Glassware Place Mats Serving Dishes & Utensils Tray Covers Trays, Plastic Catering Supplies Plate Covers Menu & Menu Accessories China, Dinnerware Condiment Holders Disposables
CFS Brands is proud to be a leading provider of essential supplies and equipment for the most trusted brands in foodservice, healthcare, and hygiene. Healthcare facilities worldwide count on Dinex’s Totally Quiet(™) carts to deliver meals heated on Smart·Therm induction heating systems, served at the appropriate temperature in Fenwick insulated serving ware on truly non-skid Glasteel(™) trays. CFS Brands takes pride in enhancing the lives of those who cook, serve, deliver, or clean by providing them with the right tools that they need to do their jobs.
Membership Type
Business Partner Sponsor - Gold